Page 56 : 8. Who Is More Powerful?
A.Answer these questions.
1. Why did the Sun and the Wind feel they were important?
= Because they think that all of them rule the world.
2. What did the two of them quarrel about?
= They quarrel about who’s more powerful and important to the world.
3. How did they decide to test their power?
= They bet each other, that who can make the Traveller take of his cloak first.
4. What did the wind do Did he succeed?
= He blew stronger and harder to the Traveller. But he didn’t succeed.
5. What did the sun do? What was the result?
= The Sun is the winner. He won the bet. He glow brighter and hotter, so it made the Traveller hot and took of his cloak.
6. Who was the winner? What is your opinion of his strategy?
= The Sun is the winner. My opinion is the Sun is very smart to think this strategy.