Page 40 : Nose Matters
Find the statement that is the main idea of the passage. Write M I next to it. Then find the details of the passage. Write D next to each detail. Be careful! There are two sentences that do not belong to this passage.
Nose Matters
1. Elephant use their trunks to greet each other. = D
2. Elephants use their trunks to give themselves a shower. = D
3. Some people like to ride on elephants. = __
4. Elephants can carry heavy things with their trunks. = D
5. Mother elephants calm their babies by stroking them with their trunks. = D
6. Elephants use their trunks to eat and drink. = D
7. Elephants use their noses for smelling and breathing. = D
8. Elephants have very useful noses. = M I
9. Giraffes are the tallest animals in the world. = __