Kinds of Pronouns
* Demonstrative Pronouns are used to point out something or someone. In English,
• This is my teacher.
• That is my classroom.
* Distributive pronouns are used to refer to things one at a time rather than
collectively. They are each, either and neither. Since they refer to single person or
thing at a time, distributive pronouns are always singular and are followed by
• Each child was given a present.
• Either answer is correct.
• Neither team could win.
• Each of the girls was given a present.
• I don’t like any of these three designs.
• No one offered to accompany her to the hospital.
• None but the brave deserve the fair.
* A relative pronoun is a pronoun that refers to something within a larger sentence. It is called a relative pronoun because it relates to the word that it modifies and is not specific. In English, relative pronouns are: who, whom, which, whose, that, where, when, why.
• I have a friend who knows five languages.
• I live on Fir Street which is two miles from here.
- The cheetah is the fastest mammal. It is my favourite animal.
- The cheetah, which is the fastest mammal, is my favourite animal.