W e l c o m e To Tiger 105 04

วันศุกร์ที่ 8 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556

Regular and Irregular and Answer

Regular and Irregular Verb

            *The bear escaped from the circus.

            *I worked for 10 hours yesterday.

            *My father taught me to swim.

            *She put all the fruits into the basket.

*The highlighted verbs are in the simple past tense. They denote that the action happened in the past. Some verbs can be changed to the past tense by adding –ed to the base form. These are called regular verbs.


*Some other verbs take different forms when changed into past tense. Such verbs are called irregular verbs.


*Some irregular verbs do not change their form when converted to past tense.



A. Complete these sentences with the right form of the verbs given in the brackets.

1.     Woke up very early this morning.

2.    He sat watching birds in the park all evening.

3.    We went to the cinema last Sunday.

4.    I saved some money to buy a new bike.

5.    She waved good-bye to her parents at the airport.

6.    MY mother baked some delicious biscuits today.

7.    Simon taught Science at a school before he took up a new job.

8.    She brought a tray full of sandwiches for all of us.


B.    Match the base forms of verbs in column A with the simple past forms in column B.

1.     Fly – d.flew

2.    Preech-i.preached

3.    Meet-g.met

4.    Thank-p.thanked

5.    Call-m.called

6.    Run-t.ran

7.    Tick-w.ticked

8.    Send-n.sent

9.    Pay-a.paid

10.  Steal-h.stole

11.  Give-o.gave

12.  Try-e.tried

13.  Want-f.wanted

14.  Behave-u.behaved

15.  Tremble-v.trembled

16.  Speak-b.spoke

17.  Throw-j.threw

18.  Catch-k.caught

19.  Hit-c.hit

20. Make-l.made

21.  Draw-l.drew

22. Plan-s.planned

23. Seek-q.saught


